Why I Marched

On January 27, 2017, I participated in the 44th annual March For Life in Washington, DC. It was the first time I had ever attended. Though I am a conservative Christian, I was neutral on the abortion issue for many years, declaring that I would never do it myself but wouldn’t force my beliefs on someone else. That all changed when I became pregnant 13 years ago. Due to a complication, I had to have a 9-week ultrasound instead of waiting the standard 20 weeks. When I stared at the fuzzy, black and white photo of my son, I was shocked to see how developed he was after just 2 months. That was no random clump of cells – that was a person! And that was before 3D imaging, which shows that reality in greater detail today.

When I heard about the Trump administration’s support for the March, I decided to go see what it was all about for myself. Vice President Mike Pence and Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway spoke at the rally, along with several other spirited pro-life advocates. I was one of the crowd, thousands of peaceful citizens from all over the country speaking out for society’s most vulnerable – the alive but unborn. The folks on the ground seemed very enthused to have support from the White House.

Here are some of the sights and sounds I captured that day.

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